Technology Services

System Archive

Millennium: downtime for maintenance

The Millennium server ( was down Thursday, April 29th from 5:00 to 5:20 PM for routine maintenance.

McAfee: new version available


If you removed the McAfee anti-virus software from your Windows computer, it is now ready to be re-installed. If you have an older version of McAfee installed, we recommend to un-install it as instructed in our previous message and then install the latest version of the McAfee which is version 8.7. If you did *NOT* remove your McAfee software, we request that you check the automatic updates and weekly full scan settings as indicated below.

You must be connected to the Whitman Network to access the installation files for McAfee. Your computer should have drive letter "J" already mapped and available on your computer. If not, please see instructions below for mapping drive letter "J".

Installing McAfee Enterprise 8.7 software

  1. Click on "Start" and then "My Computer" or "Computer".
  2. Double-click on the "Apps on 'winapp' (J:)" drive icon to open it.
  3. Double-click on the " Mcafee Enterprise 8.7" folder to open it.
  4. Double-click on the " SetupVSE" icon to start the installation of McAfee.
  5. Click "Next", select "Perpetual" for the "License expiry type", accept the "McAfee End User License Agreement" and click "OK".
  6. Accept the default of "Typical" and click "Next".
  7. Accept the default of "Standard Protection" and click "Next".
  8. Click "Install" to start the installation.
  9. Un-check the "Update Now" and "Run On-Demand Scan" options, click "Finish" and then click "OK".
  10. Restart your computer to finish the installation of McAfee.

Setup automatic updates and weekly full system scan

  1. Right-click on the McAfee icon (blue and white shield with a red "V") which should be located at the bottom right of the desktop next to the clock and select "VirusScan Console".
  2. Double-click on the "Full Scan" task icon.
  3. Click on the "Schedule" button.
  4. Check the "Enable (scheduled task runs at a specified time)" option
  5. Click on the "Schedule" tab at the top.
  6. Select "Weekly" for the "Run Task" option and set the start time to a time when the computer is normally on.
  7. Select the "Run if missed" option.
  8. Select a day of the week again picking a day the computer is normally on.
  9. Click on "OK" and then "OK" again.
  10. Verify the "AutoUpdate" task is scheduled to run daily .
  11. Close the virus scan console.

Mapping drive letter "J"

  1. Click on "Start", "Run" and enter "cmd" (without the quotes) and click on "OK" to open the Windows Command Prompt window.
  2. Enter "net use j: \\winapp\apps" (without the quotes) and press ENTER.
  3. If prompted to enter a user name, enter your email address and press ENTER.
  4. If prompted, enter your Whitman network password and press ENTER.
  5. You should see "The command completed successfully". message.
  6. Close the Windows Command Prompt window.

Original Posting

4/21/10 10:47 AM

A bad definitions update is crippling Windows machines running McAfee. If you're running McAfee on Windows, you should uninstall it ASAP.

== Windows XP ==

* Go to the Start Menu, and select the Control Panel.

* Double-click on "Add or Remove Programs"

* Find "McAfee VirusScan Enterprise" in the list of programs, and click on it.

* McAfee will be highlighted, and a "Remove" button will appear to the right.

* Click the "Remove" button, and follow the on-screen instructions.

* If you are prompted to reboot your machine, do so.

== Windows Vista & 7 ==

* Click the Start Button, and select the Control Panel.

* Double-click on "Programs and Features"

* Find "McAfee VirusScan Enterprise" in the list, and select it.

* Click the "Uninstall" button in the toolbar at the top of the list.

* Follow the on-screen instructions.

* If you are prompted to reboot your machine, do so.

winapp: downtime for maintenance

The Windows Application server ( was down Thursday, April 15th from 5:00 to 5:10 PM for routine maintenance.

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